Hi, Does anyone have a clue if it's possible to re...
# ktor
Hi, Does anyone have a clue if it's possible to retrieve client principal when using the StatusPage plugin? The AuthContext does not seem to exist in call.attributes
Could you please describe your problem in more detail?
Currently I would like to present different pages for different roles when serving a 404 page. Code for setting up StatusPages and securing routes are shown here
Copy code
install(StatusPages) {
    status(HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { call, status ->
        val principal = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>() // Always null here

        // Also tried to find the context like this: Key is never found
        val attributeKey = call.attributes.allKeys.find { attr -> attr.name == "AuthContext" }

routing {
    authenticate("auth-jwt") {
        // Routes here
Might be because the routes are given a principal but at the point of the 404 page the context will already be dropped?
However I could not find any documentation on how to set up an authentication block outside the routing block
So the scenario is that a user sends a credentials to a nonexistent route and you want to authenticate him and customize the 404 page?
Well the credentials are already sent using a jwt header
But I would like to show custom links depending on the user permissions
Using a common HTML header for the whole app which depends on the principal being present
I guess it doesn't matter which form of authentication you're using, cookies, basic auth etc, the principal wouldn't be there in the statuspage handler
You have to authenticate a user first to get a principal and I don’t see a way of doing in the StatusPages’s handler because the API that allows to trigger an authentication process is internal.
Ah okey, so the auth plugin is tied to the routing plugin pretty much then. It would be nice if it could be used with other plugins as well.