Hello, is `TextButton`’s `contentPadding` dependin...
# compose
Hello, is `TextButton`’s
depending on text length? Longer text lesser contentPadding or?
Doesn’t sound like that would be the case. Maybe try adding a debug modifier to check how much space your two buttons actually take?
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fun Modifier.debugBorder(color: Color = Color.Red, width: Dp = 1.dp): Modifier {
    return this.border(width, color)
Thank you. It is like
Apparently start and end paddings differ 😕
Very interesting, could you also share the code of how you define those two, just to make sure there’s nothing obviously different there either. Then I guess we’d have to cc someone who works with compose text and whatnot to give us a better idea what is happening here and if there’s a way to avoid it.
Thanks, we have our own DS actually I don’t know how can I help here but let me share some code blocks. I never play with paddings btw This is the component
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fun SortBy(
    label: String,
    criteria: String,
    direction: Direction,
    onSortCriteriaClicked: () -> Unit,
    onSortDirectionClicked: () -> Unit
) {
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(start = TRTheme.spacing.default, end = TRTheme.spacing.single),
        verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceBetween
    ) {
            text = label,
            style = TRTheme.typography.subtitle,
            color = TRTheme.colors.appForeground2

        Box(Modifier.weight(1f)) {
            TRTextButtonDefault(text = criteria, onClick = onSortCriteriaClicked)

        TRIconButtonSmall(onClick = onSortDirectionClicked) {
            val rotation = animateFloatAsState(targetValue = if (direction == Direction.Ascending) 180f else 0f)

                modifier = TRModifier().graphicsLayer(rotation.value),
                iconResId = TRTheme.icons.arrowUpXS,
                useLocalColorAndAlpha = true
This is our TextButton definition
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fun TRTextButtonDefault(
    modifier: TRModifier = TRModifier(),
    text: String,
    onClick: () -> Unit,
    isEnabled: Boolean = true
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        color = TRTheme.colors.primaryBlue2,
        onClick = onClick,
        isEnabled = isEnabled
    ) {
        Label(text, TRTheme.typography.subtitle)

private fun Label(text: String, textStyle: TextStyle) {
        text = text,
        maxLines = 1,
        style = textStyle,
        overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis
I see, I used Compose’s TextButton and it works well. Something problematic in our implementation, looking into it, thank you!
Nice! I am glad I helped do the first step at least. If you do find out what the issue was exactly I would be happy to hear about it. I am really curious to learn what could be happening 😅
I am sorry, couldn’t get back to you 🙂 Since
is a button under the hood, it centers its content. Since my custom font is small-sized, text seems to be a bit more indented when the text is small enough, so root cause was my font size 🙂 However, if I don’t specify any
, it looks good and consistent
Interesting, thanks for sharing 😊