I added to my build.gradle.kts: ```plugins { i...
# arrow
I added to my build.gradle.kts:
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plugins {

dependencies {
I have also annotated my data classes:
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data class ConnectorWithSensors(
    val connector: Connector,
    val sensors: List<ItemSelection>,
) {
    companion object

data class ItemSelection(
    val id: String,
    val selected: Boolean,
) : {
    companion object
However I cannot access the extensions generated on companion object like
KSP version 1.6.10-1.0.2
Arrow version 1.1.2
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my suggestion would be to check: 1. does
./gradlew build
work? if so, the KSP plugin is working 2. if the problem is only in the IDE, this means you need to add the generated sources as explained here. My suggestion is to add the following then to your gradle file
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plugins {
   // ...

idea {
   module {
      // Not using += due to <https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/8749>
      sourceDirs = sourceDirs + file("build/generated/ksp/main/kotlin") // or tasks["kspKotlin"].destination
      testSourceDirs = testSourceDirs + file("build/generated/ksp/test/kotlin")
      generatedSourceDirs = generatedSourceDirs + file("build/generated/ksp/main/kotlin") + file("build/generated/ksp/test/kotlin")
So one problem was (which I didn't mention) that my data classes were
. So ksp complained that "public member exposes internal type" in the generated code. After making the data classes public the project builds, however the extension property
is still red. I will try to import the generated sources as you suggested.
Ok, that worked! Thanks so much for your help! 🙏
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🎉 2
On the other hand, it looks like importing the generated sources in a project with build variants doesn't work correctly (it breaks the cache): https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C013BA8EQSE/p1657364970659239?thread_ts=1657364826.656609&amp;cid=C013BA8EQSE So it looks like for now there is no way to have proper IDE support for optics on Android...