Hello! I have a problem and I need some help. Whil...
# compose
Hello! I have a problem and I need some help. While running android tests in a project i randomly get the following error:
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No compose hierarchies found in the app. Possible reasons include: (1) the Activity that calls setContent did not launch; (2) setContent was not called; (3) setContent was called before the ComposeTestRule ran. If setContent is called by the Activity, make sure the Activity is launched after the ComposeTestRule runs
With the term randomly, I mean different tests every time. I have defined my rules like that:
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@get:Rule(order = 0)
var hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

@get:Rule(order = 1)
val composeTestRule = createEmptyComposeRule()

@get:Rule(order = 2)
val activityTestRule = createActivityRule<MainActivity>()
Is there something wrong???