I'm trying to understand how the cocoapods plugin ...
# ios
I'm trying to understand how the cocoapods plugin works to work around this issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-53127/Breaking-change-in-Cocoapods-plugin-between-Kotlin-1621-and-170 Does anyone know why it tries to build a project with the latest versions of the dependencies you specify instead of the right version? I have this in my Gradle build file:
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pod("MaterialComponents/TextFields", "~> 123")
The generated Podfile in build/cocoapods/synthetic/IOS contains this:
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pod 'MaterialComponents/TextFields'
Then obviously the Podfile.lock contains:
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- MaterialComponents/TextFields (124.2.0)
And the build fails, potentially because this version is broken. Is it a bug? I tried with Kotlin 1.6 and 1.7 and it does not seem different
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