Would you recommend someone to do DSA interview in...
# getting-started
Would you recommend someone to do DSA interview in Kotlin? Or I should stick to traditional c#, Java, c/cpp or python
Over java, definitely (if both the interviewer and interviewee are familiar with Kotlin). It's way more concise, so especially when you write without an IDE, it makes it easy to manipulate on a whiteboard or a Google Doc. I used Kotlin for an interview in the past, and the interviewers were not familiar with it, but were ok as long as I was able to explain what the peculiarities that they didn't understand. It was very nice of them, but it must be harder to judge as an interviewer. In any case I was pretty happy to be able to use it, because I didn't need 10 sheets of paper :D
Thank you for this. Kotlin is not my most proficient language, but I'm pretty good with most of it.
If you feel more comfortable using another language, you might want to stick with the other one, though. Because if you get stuck on a detail it might throw you off (depending on your personality too)