In a similar way that there are multiple testing s...
# kotest
In a similar way that there are multiple testing styles are there any plans for multiple assertion styles? Not a huge fan of the infix/extension style.
No, because there are other good third party libraries out there.
So you can use assertK or whatever with Kotest and it should all work, because kotest looks for the common exception base types
strikt and kotlin-power-assert are also popular assertion libs
kotlin power assert is just an add on to assert right? Not really an assertion lib. It is good though.
Another one is atrium.
right, kotlin power assert has no runtime lib
I've used atrium and do quite like it, but it's not as well maintained as kotest. Not a big issue by any means, was just curious.
👍🏻 1
@Charles Flynn if there is anything you miss in Atrium, then please don't hesitate to contact me via PN or in the #atrium channel 😉