Hi. there is something that I’d like to understand...
# coroutines
Hi. there is something that I’d like to understand: Suppose we have this minimal piece of code:
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suspend fun main() = withContext(MDCContext(mapOf("host" to "local"))) {
    val ktorClient = HttpClient(OkHttp)
    log("entering context")

    (1..10).forEach { i ->
        val newContextMap = MDC.getCopyOfContextMap()
        newContextMap["i"] = i.toString()
        withContext(MDCContext(newContextMap)) {
            log("before calling ktor client $i")
            ktorClient.get { url("<https://example.com/$i>") }.bodyAsText()
            log("after calling ktor client $i")

    log("exiting context")
when run, the MDC is shuffled totally indeterministic:
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10:21:45.238 [main] - entering context {host=local}
10:21:45.240 [main] - before calling ktor client 1 {host=local, i=1}
10:21:45.824 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - after calling ktor client 1 {}
10:21:45.824 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - before calling ktor client 2 {host=local, i=2}
10:21:45.998 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - after calling ktor client 2 {}
10:21:45.998 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - before calling ktor client 3 {host=local, i=3}
10:21:46.102 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - after calling ktor client 3 {host=local}
10:21:46.103 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - before calling ktor client 4 {host=local, i=4}
10:21:46.208 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] - after calling ktor client 4 {}
But as soon as I change first line to
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suspend fun main() = withContext(Dispatchers.Default + MDCContext(mapOf("host" to "local"))) {
it magically starts working as intended. (same on any other dispatcher, IO or Unconfined) Why is it so? Is it a problem with
suspend fun main
, ktor-client, or - most probably - me messing up something here?
Almost certainly an issue with
suspend fun main
, just search this chat and you'll find plenty of unexpected behaviour related to its Dispatcher implementation
thing is, if I replace
ktorClient.get {}
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launch(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) { Thread.sleep(200) }
I still get the suspension, still get the thread switching, but MDC stays correct. Basically, I cannot reproduce the behaviour without ktor, even if I strongly elieve the problem is within
suspend fun main
I still get the suspension, still get the thread switching, but MDC stays correct
shares threads with
so you might not effectively be switching threads here. You might reproduce with a custom dispatcher.
according to logs, the entries are on different threads
By the way, no need for
(1..10).forEach { i ->
, you can use
repeat(10) { i ->
which is easier to read IMO (however indexing will be 0-based)
according to logs, the entries are on different threads
Ok, it might be because you use more threads than what is available in
so eventually it does create other threads
I know, I prefer counting from 1 here and it’s not the point anyway
it’s not the point anyway
It was just a side remark indeed
when using
launch(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) { Thread.sleep(200) }
instead of ktor client: (notice MDC is correct here while threads switch)
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11:24:30.535 [main] - entering context {host=local}
11:24:30.537 [main] - before calling ktor client 1 {host=local, i=1}
11:24:30.537 [main] - after calling ktor client 1 {host=local, i=1}
11:24:30.744 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - before calling ktor client 2 {host=local, i=2}
11:24:30.745 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] - after calling ktor client 2 {host=local, i=2}
11:24:30.951 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] - before calling ktor client 3 {host=local, i=3}
11:24:30.952 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] - after calling ktor client 3 {host=local, i=3}
But in any case, as @Robert Williams said, there is a bunch of weird stuff that may happen with
suspend fun main
. Recently I discovered that it didn't have a
(which makes sense, because
is from
) but that means
returns false, unintuitively. There definitely may be other weird things with `suspend fun main`'s coroutine context.
Oh you mean just changing the Ktor call while keeping
suspend fun main() = withContext()
without dispatcher there works?
Then I'm out of ideas 🤔
It’s possible that ktor uses some more coroutines magic that I’m simulating
But then it would mean that Ktor breaks some coroutine invariants. Or maybe it uses MDC itself in a way that overrides yours? 🤷
The problem with the main dispatcher isn't that it never works, it just works differently and doesn't provide as strong guarantees on ordering if multiple coroutines are scheduled (similar to a lot of problems that occur with UnconfinedTestDispatcher)
It's entirely possible that delays are simple enough that it always works "as expected"
wheras ktor may be doing multiple thread/ context switches or enqueing multiple coroutines at once (don't really know what ktor does internally but the point is it could do any of that and more)
so I understand that it is better to stay away from
suspend fun main
? 🙂
Pretty much, it's not actually part of kotlinx.coroutines and just bolted on for language consistency
If you want to use it the standard advice is to immediately start a new coroutineScope inside (which also gives you the Job and cancellation behaviour as @Joffrey mentioned)