:mega: New Deployment Plugin :mega: We’ve just re...
# ktor
📣 New Deployment Plugin 📣 We’ve just released a new plugin for Gradle that aims at simplifying deployment. It’s still in EAP, but we’d love to get some feedback. You can find instructions on how to use it on GitHub. https://github.com/ktorio/ktor-build-plugins
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I assume this needs application plugin applied as well? Does that mean the regular voodoo required to get application plugin to play nice with kmp plugin is required too?
@jvmusin, could you check?
@Big Chungus The plugin applies
plugin transitively, you don’t need to do it manually.
Ah, but then I still need to do the usual voodoo to get it working with the kmp plugin, or does the ktor plugin handle that too?
@Big Chungus I believe you’ll have to do it. By the way, what are you doing to make it work? Maybe, we can automate it in future releases.
Here's a suboptimal route https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C3PQML5NU/p1644349434040669?thread_ts=1644345860.497559&cid=C3PQML5NU It needlessly builds a whole jar, but at least it works
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here's a way that doesn't use the
plugin (and so doesn't need
): https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-50227
Yep, it's way easier to optimise if you don't have to worry about application plugin
IMHO it'd be best if ktor plugin would not apply application plugin itself, but rather listen for it being applied and integrate with it only when applied, otherwise build your own custom jar and run tasks. Would make it a lot easier to support both, jvm and mpp
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