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# datascience
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Good luck @David Boney with looking for a job. But probably, you released DiffKt and probably killed some working places in the kotlin for data science)
There are some places in Russia and some institutes and companies under U.S. Sanctions related to the Kotlin and Science here, but this is not what you are looking for.
Hey, but what is the future of the DiffKt library if you leave it. Are there other maintainers and what is the roadmap?
I don’t know. Now that it is released as open source it will take on a life of its own, independent of Meta.
Sounds like the end of a sad Story, great that it was published and wasn't hide forever in the private repositories. Hope it inspires the future generations of researchers or helps somebody in his journey with backprop in Kotlin
Looks like job is found, happy for you