What's the status on Kotlin 1.7.x support? I've be...
# decompose
What's the status on Kotlin 1.7.x support? I've been hearing conflicting things on whether Compose supports it yet which is my main hangup
Update to Kotlin 1.7.x is blocked by a stable version of JetBrains Compose that would also support that Kotlin version. The Compose compiler plugin now has its own versioning, but in fact this works only for Jetpack Compose currently. They are working to do the same for JetBrains Compose. So we need either a stable version of JetBrains Compose on Kotlin 1.7.x, or decoupled compiler. Meantime, you should be able to update Compose compiler (and even Compose itself if you need) in your project to whatever version you want and so update Kotlin to 1.7.x. Decompose should work fine.
👍 1
Builds since dev741 support 1.7.0, I’ve been building with 741 and 1.7.0 for the past week with no obvious issues.
I believe my decompose version is 0.7.0-native-compose01
is based on Kotlin 1.6.21, btw I could update the
version to Kotlin 1.7.0! Anyway, Decompose should work fine with Kotlin 1.7.x, unless the project is a library and should be published. They changed the metadata format recently and Decompose should be incompatible here.
That's interesting. I'm using it with a library we publish to Github Packages for internal use. I'll let you know if I run into any issues, but it's all been working so far.
I think the app that consumes the library is still on 1.6.10, though.
The error should be during the publication step. I guess, they changed the metadata format in Kotlin 1.6.20 or 1.6.21, so the version of Decompose you are using may be compatible.
I will try to release a new native version today with Kotlin 1.7.0. But worth mentioning that the native version uses dev builds of Compose. That is primarily for playing with Compose for iOS.
👍 2
Excited for compose iOS support!
🎉 2
is released - https://github.com/arkivanov/Decompose/releases/tag/0.7.0-native-compose-02 Please allow a couple of hours for the artifacts to propagate.