Can I express this code without having to have the...
# getting-started
Can I express this code without having to have the
signature, and just use
to represent it, if I'm using the interface to designate the type?
Copy code
sealed interface TLV<T> {
    val value: T
    val type: Byte
object TLVNULL: TLV<Unit> {
    override val type: Byte = 0x00
    override val value: Unit = Unit
data class TLVNDEF(override val value: NdefMessage): TLV<NdefMessage> {
    override val type: Byte = 0x03
data class TLVProp(override val value: ByteArray): TLV<ByteArray> {
    override val type: Byte = 0xFD.toByte()
object TLVTerminator: TLV<Unit> {
    override val type: Byte = 0xFE.toByte()
    override val value: Unit = Unit
Remove the
and the
val value: T
inside the interface. Then, you'll only have access to the value if you know which subclass of
you have. I think that leaving it as-is could be a better design though.