I am testing viewModel using the new coroutines te...
# coroutines
I am testing viewModel using the new coroutines testing framework and Mockk library. It seems that the exceptions from child coroutines are swallowed though. It looks more or less like this example:
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fun setUp() {

fun `Some exemplary test`() = runTest {
    val dependency1 = mockk<Dependency1>()
    val viewModel = TestedViewModel(dependency1)
    coVerify(exactly = 1) { dependency1.methodToBeCaled() }
The ViewModel itself is calling that method in viewModelScope
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fun testedMethod() {
  viewModelScope.launch {
However I forgot to mock the called method. I am seeing in log
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Exception in thread "Test worker @coroutine#7" io.mockk.MockKException: no answer found for: Dependency1(#1).methodToBeCalled(continuation {})
But the test passes. Is it known issue?
https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/3298 coroutines in viewModelScope under setMain don't run immediately as expected :(
And according to runTest doc
Unhandled exceptions will be thrown at the end of the test. If the uncaught exceptions happen after the test finishes, the error is propagated in a platform-specific manner. If the test coroutine completes with an exception, the unhandled exceptions are suppressed by it.
that’s the case here right?
I believe so. you could add more logging to check that is the order of operations