Hello, I have a list of instruments in which each ...
# compose
Hello, I have a list of instruments in which each of them subscribes to a websocket so they get updated frequently. How would you observe such a frequently updating set of items with Compose? I use
to collect the list but whenever there is an update in any element in the list, all item gets recomposed over and over so I am having flickers in the UI. I also pass a key per element down to
Copy code
val instruments by instrumentList.subscribeAsState(initial = emptyList())
GIF in the thread
Copy code
val instruments by instrumentList.subscribeAsState(initial = emptyList())

                state = rememberLazyListState(),
                modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
            ) {
                items(instruments, key = { it.isin }) {
                    Box(Modifier.animateItemPlacement()) {
                        InstrumentView(instrument = it)

private fun InstrumentView(
    instrument: PortfolioPositionsInstrumentData,
) {
Recomposition doesn't cause flicker on its own. It looks like some state is being changed or reset that shouldn't be when that recomposition happens.
Thanks yeah found the culprit, now it is working as expected