I have an enum defined, and I want to get the enum...
# getting-started
I have an enum defined, and I want to get the enum from the key that I get from another source (a network response to be exact). The manual mapping seems fine, but is there another way (thats idiomatic) to do this kind of thing?
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enum class Foo(val key: String, val userName: String) {
  Bar("bar_item", "Bar For You"),
  Baz("baz_item", "Baz For Me"),
  OTHER("other", "Other"),

fun getTheFoo(key: String): Foo {
  return when (key) {
    "bar_item" -> Foo.Bar
    "baz_item" -> Foo.Baz
    "other" -> Foo.OTHER
    else -> Foo.OTHER
return Foo.values().firstOrNull { it.key == key } ?: Foo.OTHER
Hm yeah. I like that! The firstOrNull makes this apparent that this is just an iterative search. I wonder if theres a better way to structure this data.
if there's many elements then
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private val fooByKey = Foo.values().associateBy { it.key }
fun getTheFoo(key: String): Foo = fooByKey[key] ?: Foo.OTHER
but with 3 I might leave it as an iterative search
oooh. associateBy? TIL. Im gonna look into that.
FYI, associateBy simply creates a map where the key is provided by your lambda and the value is the items in
, and so it works just like a normal map.
👍 1
if you are willing to adapt the enum constants to be similar or match the received keys, then you could simplify the class and do:
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enum class Foo(val userName: String) {
  bar_item("Bar For You"),
  baz_item("Baz For Me"),

fun getTheFoo(key: String) = try {
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
otherwise if you dislike the try block you could use:
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fun getTheFoo2(key: String) =
  runCatching { Foo.valueOf(key) }.getOrDefault(Foo.other)
💯 1
Yeah, that’s really missing from the standard lib!