whats everyone using for multipaltform localizatio...
# compose-desktop
whats everyone using for multipaltform localization? I'm seeing solutions for ios & Android, but not ones that also incorporate desktop support
That also works for desktop? I looked through the docs a little bit and it only seemed to mention iOS and Android
@Adam Brown Look at the “platform” list under the title in the Readme. The JVM, which basically means desktop, is supported. Also
Copy code
This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that provides access to the resources on macOs, iOS, Android the JVM and JS/Browser with the support of the default system localization.
The question came up for briar-desktop, too and here's our discussion on the alternatives we found: https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar-desktop/-/issues/61#note_55779 We ended up using Java Resource bundles in combination with icu4j
@Sebastian Kürten But this solution only works on the JVM, right? What about support for iOS and JS/Browser?
sorry, good point, we're only using compose to support multiple desktop operating system at the moment but probably most people need support for iOS and browser too when looking for a solution. Probably the discussion in the ticket isn't very relevant then
@Sebastian Kürten No, it was interesting because I did not know about some of the JVM alternatives. 😉
Great discussion of the JVM options though, thanks!