When I build my app using `plotly-core` locally, g...
# science
When I build my app using
locally, gradle has no problem getting the jar. However, when I try to build it on jitpack.io, I get this:
Copy code
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':kslides-examples:shadowJar'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':kslides-examples:runtimeClasspath'.
   > Could not download plotlykt-core-jvm-0.5.2-dev-2.jar (space.kscience:plotlykt-core-jvm:0.5.2-dev-2)
      > Could not get resource '<https://repo.kotlin.link/space/kscience/plotlykt-core-jvm/0.5.2-dev-2/plotlykt-core-jvm-0.5.2-dev-2.jar>'.
         > Could not GET '<https://pkg-cdn.eu-1.jetbrains.space/1409141240651199418/maven/5577247194344223755/space/kscience/plotlykt-core-jvm/0.5.2-dev-2/plotlykt-core-jvm-0.5.2-dev-2.jar?v=1ntCif1ntCif&Expires=1657991009&Signature=cgVRG4BK9yp~fnK5lCbGlFHA8ib0MuuqwYYcEAwFnVOLDPsQ-f5c~zSQPd3X2S05mmqSI22-TYn-O-VTbN8X-a0LbLPcLTBRMls3oHZMFlxvPQuAzP1sQ9Ib~bvZX216ctUiTXJWeXdVDsPWaER-LaV~OeHhlyO2RXvSrG5KflgeM1sfyVqY~wJvTZZScGFus9UCE-48SqswH0v-grV-hCDZ61FGDPkTDljIQiDFxthO-f6y3by8X0wd9YlHMACb2iro~mQJCdfrgG4L~MxpngPnCkSW81rQBnQzJZJPW9cps6cK06qWDA6-54tFIWyyLHgzYhsNQIwW1oRRhMlyRg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIBRFJQGZXNBTFYIA>'.
            > peer not authenticated
The above uses:
If do not specify a
value, I get:
Copy code
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':kslides-examples:shadowJar'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':kslides-examples:runtimeClasspath'.
   > Could not resolve space.kscience:plotlykt-core:0.5.2-dev-2.
     Required by:
         project :kslides-examples
         project :kslides-examples > project :kslides-core
      > Could not resolve space.kscience:plotlykt-core:0.5.2-dev-2.
         > Could not get resource '<https://repo.kotlin.link/space/kscience/plotlykt-core/0.5.2-dev-2/plotlykt-core-0.5.2-dev-2.pom>'.
            > Could not GET '<https://repo.kotlin.link/space/kscience/plotlykt-core/0.5.2-dev-2/plotlykt-core-0.5.2-dev-2.pom>'.
               > The server does not support the client's requested TLS protocol versions: (TLSv1.2). You may need to configure the client to allow other protocols to be used. See: <https://docs.gradle.org/7.5/userguide/build_environment.html#gradle_system_properties>
                  > Received fatal alert: protocol_version
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
I am not sure what is the problem. I have not tried it with gradle 7.5, but I do not think it changes the TLS specification. You can roll back to plotlykt 0.5.0, which is published on maven-central and does not require repo.kotlin.link
You can also try to use direct link to the space repository instead of repo.kotlin.link proxy:
The proxy just gives simple name proxy for this long one.
Ruslan (kotlin.link maintainer) recommends to use -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.3 key
Thank you very much, Alexander.
Changing the repo URL did the trick.
You are welcome. I don't have time to update all the open-source projects we have, but the next version will be on maven central as well