Hello, I'm working in a small project to learn com...
# compose
Hello, I'm working in a small project to learn compose, it's a simple Boggle game, i have this board and I'm trying to think how to detect the sequence of letters that the user touches, this sequence can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal. I have one composable for each die and one for the complete board. Does anyone have an idea/reference/tutorial/video/medium article on how I could do it?
I initially thought of using a
in the board composable, but I can't figure out how to calculate which die it is in from the position.
I've also tried to use a
on each die to detect when the user touch the die, but I find that the if I move my finger thought the board wont trigger more
events 😅
You can model the whole system as an m x n grid where every cell item can be referenced by item[i][j]