Hey guys, Can someone help me on Material 3. I fou...
# compose
Hey guys, Can someone help me on Material 3. I found this two method
. When I checked the definition of this function I found so many colors used in the function. I am confused which one using where so, Is there any documentation or blog where this type of attribute is using i.e. secondaryContainer, tertiary etc. this is few example I want to learn each attritube where this is using according to their name. I am new in material design with jetpack compose.
there is no difference for Material Design between compose and xml view. Just look at the design Guidlines : https://m3.material.io every component has specs and there is explained which param is used for what. What you are looking for ist just a Design Guidlines topic
Thanks for reply.
I am asking how to read all colors attribute details from specific link?
the only difference is in compose the theme are in kt files and in xml view it is xml.
there is no overview it’s specific for the components which attribute is used for what
👍 1
okkk that's great
I got my answer.
and everything else is, go through the design guidlines and read them
okk sure thanks