Hi, we need some help with a compose ui test. We h...
# compose
Hi, we need some help with a compose ui test. We have a
and have been managed to follow the example here to implement the drag-and-drop operation for the list items. In a compose UI test, we want to test the drag-and-drop behaviours using code below:
Copy code
onNodeWithContentDescription("itemDesription", substring = true)
                .performTouchInput {
                    moveTo(percentOffset(0.5f, -0.7f), delayMillis = 1000L)
What the code would do: 1. Select an item from list (long-click) 2. Move the item one position up However, the operation always fails with the step
So, we are wondering whether we are using the moveTo API properly. Any suggestions? Regards,
It looks like that the touch input is not kept down, when moving (dragging) is started.