Is it possible to animate Window/WindowState size?...
# compose-desktop
Is it possible to animate Window/WindowState size? I’ve tried the following (code in thread):
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fun main() = application {
    var expand by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val width: Dp by animateDpAsState(
        targetValue = if (expand) 1024.dp else 600.dp,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing),
    val height: Dp by animateDpAsState(
        targetValue = if (expand) 1024.dp else 600.dp,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing),
    val dpSize: DpSize by remember { mutableStateOf(DpSize(width, height)) }
    val windowState = rememberWindowState(size = dpSize)

    Window(state = windowState) {
                onSomething = {
                    expand = !expand
                    //windowState.size = dpSize
To make it work I’ve to change the size here:
//windowState.size = dpSize
directly, but this will not animate 🤔
I’m lost, any hint?
Did you figure this out? I think you want to do the
windowState.size = dpSize
immediately after
val windowState = ...
It might be better to update the size in a launched effect:
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LaunchedEffect(dpSize) {
    windowState.size = dpSize
I did not 😞 and the
- in this case - it’s actually being called inside a
, but the key is not the dpSize 🤔 will try to add it as key to see what happens (edit: nothing 😢).
I think the animations for some reason are not running/changing the window state. The same code animates a “normal” composable 🤷
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LaunchedEffect(animate) {
    repeat(5) {
        windowState.size = DpSize(windowState.size.width + 100.dp, windowState.size.height)
quick test and this is the only way I can “animate” the
@Sean Proctor maybe this is why:
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 * Creates a [WindowState] that is remembered across compositions.
 * Changes to the provided initial values will **not** result in the state being recreated or
 * changed in any way if it has already been created.
 * @param placement the initial value for [WindowState.placement]
 * @param isMinimized the initial value for [WindowState.isMinimized]
 * @param position the initial value for [WindowState.position]
 * @param size the initial value for [WindowState.size]
That makes sense. The window isn't a normal composable, so state hoisting won't work. I'm not very fluent with the animation APIs, so maybe there's something that looks a bit more elegant than what you have, but what you have is pretty close to what I was thinking. How does the animation itself look with that code? Maybe if you decrease the delay to something like 20ms or so it would look nicer?
It doesn’t feel smooth and pretty like animation API, specially because I was thinking about using spring() or something non linear, but well, it does the job considering all constraints.