Can a lens be used to convert from `String` to `T`...
# http4k
Can a lens be used to convert from
? I have the following hardcoded bodyString (which I get from making a request via okHttp3 to Github’s user API). To me, it seems like I might have to use some http4k specific way of doing this? The documentation isn’t clear to me as to how I should proceed (doesn’t mean it’s lacking, just that I don’t understand it)
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val bodyString = """
        "login": "arnabkd",
        "id": 1014699
    val lens =<GithubUser>().toLens()
    // How to convert into GithubUser?
For more context, the function in its entirety:
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fun contextFnGithub(request: Request): Principal {
  val user = request.cookie("GithubAccessToken")?.value?.let { accessTokenString ->
    val response = httpClient.newCall(
        .header("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json")
        .header("Authorization", "token $accessTokenString")

    val bodyString = """
        "login": "arnabkd",
        "id": 1014699
    val lens =<GithubUser>().toLens()

    // How to convert into GithubUser?
    null // TODO
  } ?: AnonymousUser

  return user
The body lens you have is designed to extract/inject an object from an http4k message object - it doesn't deal with strings. Under the covers it is using the Jackson/Moshi object (from which you import the auto() method) to call Jackson.asA(). You can do the same 🙃
If you use the http4k OkHttp client module to.make the request you can bypass what you're trying to do and use the lens
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val httpClient = OkHttpClient()
The uniform server/client interface provided by Server as a Function model is one of the most powerful aspects of http4k - you should definitely use it!
No use
Ah, thanks
Suggest that you check out some of the talks on http4k concepts to see all the things we can do with it. 🙃
I did! It’s one of the things that inspired me to give http4k a try for a side-project 😄 It’s just very challenging to get my head around because I come from a world that is very very different xD
No problem - we know that it's very different - but beware - once you've used it it's very hard to go back to the old world... 😉
😢 1
But we're always here to answer questions about all this stuff and help 🙃
Thanks! That first link helped a lot 😄 Ended up with a neat little function like so:
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fun contextFnGithub(request: Request): Principal {
  val user = request.cookie("GithubAccessToken")?.value?.let { accessTokenString ->
    val response = httpClient(
      Request(Method.GET, "<>")
        .header("Accept", "application/vnd.github+json")
        .header("Authorization", "token $accessTokenString")
    when (response.status) {
      Status.OK -> lens(response)
      else -> null
  } ?: AnonymousUser

  return user
You can also use a Cookie lens 😉
And you can use a filter to add the Bearer token:
ClientFilters.BearerAuth(token, "token").then(http)(request)
Once you start looking, http4k is function composition all the way down... 😉
And the Accept header isn't required for that GitHub call btw 😉😉