Hi, I have a question about suspend function in JS...
# javascript
Hi, I have a question about suspend function in JS Is there a way to sync asynchronous code in Kotlin/JS? In koltin/JVM we can use
Something like this (not working of course)
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fun notSuspendedFunction(block: suspend () -> T): String {
  val result = await block() // or runBlocking { block() }
  return result
I'm okay with something like this (not working of course):
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fun notSuspendedFunction(block: suspend () -> T): String {
  val job = GlobalScope.async { block() }

  while(job.isCompleted) { /* may be set timeout or something with delay */ }

  return job.getCompleted()
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Structured concurrency is one of the questions that still needs to be worked on. So yeah, the first idea that came is something like what you presented above