Why in this simple experiment, the square is not u...
# compose
Why in this simple experiment, the square is not updated when it is clicked ? Though I'm pointing to the last element of the list in the Text
You should use mutableStateList, or set number.value = number.value + 1
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MutableList is not integrated with Compose, so Compose can’t know when it is updated. There is a MutableStateList or something along those lines, or you can manually update your number variable.
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Thank you very much : I'm gonna try with mutableStateList 🙂. I'm trying the hard way here, as I have component in my project which does not work well, and I need this kind of update.
It works : it's just that I need to implement the Saver myself if I want to use rememberSaveable. It's not given by default. Thank you very much 🙂
If you want to keep rememberSaveable, you can use an immutable list, and create a new list when you update.
Copy code
var numbers by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(listOf(3)) }


numbers = numbers + 1
Edit: I originally wrote val, not var. This wouldn’t compile in that case
Thank you. So I understand better. I need a mutable list. Maybe this can be a smell of a bad design from me.
Compose doesn’t understand MutableList. You’d either need a MutableStateList, or use a List and set the list variable.
So can I try with
mutableStateOf{ myMutableList }
You could, but I wouldn’t use a mutable list in that case. If you mutate the list, Compose won’t get notified. You’d need to set your state variable, which means the list can be immutable.
Like I did in the example a few messages back.
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Ok, so I managed build "appending" items to an immutable list.
That looks right.
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Thank you very much for those clarifications 🙂
I don’t know without a compiler if the ‘by’ syntax works when you wrap the mutableStateOf with rememberSaveable, but it should.
The point of using ‘by’ instead of ‘=’ is just so you don’t have to write ‘.value’ everywhere.
Yes, it does. I knew that feature 🙂
I've complicated the experiment a bit : • I'm using a child component for the text • I'm using an extension function for incrementing the value : it simply add a new value incremented from the last element. But this time, clicking on the text does not update the value any more, why ? This code is closer from a code I've written for a complex composable in my project : hence the complication.
You need to say ‘number = number.advance()’
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Compose is looking for ‘number = …’ as a general rule, it won’t recompose unless it sees this.
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Thank you it works again 🙂 I'm trying to report the change in my main composable of my project 🙂
I find it easiest to use StateFlow and collectAsState(), since any time I call myStateFlow.update { doSomething(it) }, recomposition will be triggered.
But that’s more for when you set up some sort of separate state management.
Yes, you're right. I've seen there are some tutorials about StateFlow (one is the advance codelabs about state). So I think I should also learn a bit more about them and their usage 🙂
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