Hi Kotliners. Does Ktor support chunk content tran...
# ktor
Hi Kotliners. Does Ktor support chunk content transmission? I am using
, and my client speaks with a server that delivers a chunked JSON. I have been trying to change headers, response model, etc… But it does not seem to help. I am receiving the following error:
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NoTransformationFoundException: No transformation found: class io.ktor.utils.io.ByteBufferChannel -> class com.my.class
I have seen this when trying ktor cannot serialize something in the data class, but right now I am using an empty class, which should be “serializable”
The response seems to be otherwise correct:
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status: 200 OK
    response headers:
    Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2022 09:33:49 GMT
    , Content-Type: text/html
    , Transfer-Encoding: chunked
So, I figured this out: the serializer will not work out of the box. What I am doing is defaulting the response to
, and then manually serializing the object. Then it seems to work.