Hi guys, i have a question. In case i have a share...
# coroutines
Hi guys, i have a question. In case i have a shared flow and i want to apply filter, which is the simplest way to retrieve back the sharedFlow, since i cant just cast it back to SharedFlow as filer returns a Flow. Thanks in advance for any help
Hmm, i was thinking of using the shareIn() operator but my flow is actual a hot one instead of a cold. So it is not ideal to use it right?
After some digging, i kinda dropped the idea of converting back and forth the flow from sharedFlow to Flow (not sure if im going to the right direction or not). I came up with two versions:
Copy code
private val sender: MutableSharedFlow<Message> = MutableSharedFlow()
override fun stream(client: Client): Flow<Message> {
    return sender
        .onSubscription { emitAll(latest(client)) }
        .filter { getClient(it.client) == client }
1️⃣ Con: the filter is applied also on the elements from subscription which i already make sure they are the right ones.
Copy code
private val messageCache: ConcurrentMap<Client, MutableSharedFlow<Message>> =
    ConcurrentHashMap<Client, MutableSharedFlow<Message>>().apply {
        put(Csp1, MutableSharedFlow())
        put(Csp2, MutableSharedFlow())

override fun stream(client: Client): Flow<Message> {
    return messageCache[client]!!.onSubscription {
2️⃣ Con: Not sure if it really is a con but i need a new MutableSharedFlow for every new client (which they are not that many tbh.) Pro: the filter operator is no longer needed at all. ps: i really dont like the !! 😛
the resulting
from your
is cold not hot. Not sure why you would want to avoid
if you need a
after your filter. Especially since you don’t see to use any replay or buffer.
hmm, how come it is cold? i thought the underlying flow was still hot since is based on MutableSharedFlow
doesn’t care or know whether the upstream flow is cold or hot, it will only collect the upstream flow when it is collected. e.g. see this example: https://pl.kotl.in/gja9cjw0Z
I thought the complete signal will not be send and the filter operator will filters forever
Actually i get what u mean now, yea that's true the resulting flow is cold. I confused cold vs hot flows for a bit 😛. Tbh i dont mind for it to being cold as a result, the more critical part is that i dont lose the properties of the MutableSharedFlow, which i dont right ?: specifically if there are no subscribers all emitted messages are dropped.
the filter flow completes, e.g here I use first so it completes. I could also cancel the scope I am collecting in, etc
yes, if noone is collecting your filter it’s like noone is collecting your SharedFlow (if there are no other collection).
🙏 1
the filter flow only becomes a collector when it is collected
it kind of sound like you just need
and that is it TBH (no need to turn it back into a SharedFlow after), but of course I don’t know your exact use case
Yup indeed i only need filter with the way my code is now, beforehand i was using
after the
so i was looking for a way to turn it back. But i think the code is a bit cleaner like that. If you dont mind one more question: Do you prefer 1 or 2 choice? I think i prefer the 2nd one.
both feel a bit off, but I’m not sure what
there is a feature request for this here https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/2631
Latest brings all the messages from the database as a cold flow. Ps the 2nd example misses the emitAll