Think I found something
# kotest
Think I found something
Looks to me we are always removing the parent from the child test name, even multiple times
Gradle should display Find -> Finds known restaurants
If I remember correctly, we do that at least once because the child is Parent + Child name
But I think we're probably doing some
instead of
or something like that
The same thing happens with our plugin, apparently
I think it's intellij
@Michael Strasser
Thanks! I am not sure why it shows 5 different test classes with the same name. Which testing style do you use and how are the specs and tests arranged?
Copy code
class RestaurantTest : FunSpec({

  test("Should map ID to Name correctly") {
    Restaurant.AllRestaurants shouldContainExactly mapOf(
      1L to "Piracicaba",
      2L to "Restaurante área 1",
      3L to "Restaurante área 2",
      4L to "Restaurante CRHEA",
      5L to "Pirassununga",
      6L to "Central",
      7L to "PUSP-C",
      8L to "Física",
      9L to "Químicas",
      11L to "Fac. Saúde Pública",
      12L to "Escola de Enfermagem",
      13L to "EACH",
      14L to "Largo São Francisco",
      17L to "EEL - Área I",
      19L to "Restaurante Central",
      20L to "Bauru",
      23L to "EEL - Área II"

  test("Should contain 17 mapped restaurants (known amount on 2022-07-23)") {
    Restaurant.AllRestaurants shouldHaveSize 17

  context("Find") {
    test("Finds known restaurants") {
      Restaurant.find(13) shouldBe Restaurant(13L, "EACH")
    test("Returns null on unknown restaurants") {
      Restaurant.find(214) shouldBe null
This is the whole test class
Copy code
override val isolationMode = IsolationMode.InstancePerTest
Maybe this gets in its way somehow?
It's definitely going to do the callbacks more than once
Thanks! I will investigate isolation mode.
@LeoColman Finally I got around to fixing the problem with HTML Reporter and isolation modes. Version 0.7.0 has the fix, if you are interested in using it.