For "reasons" we have in our Gradle build logic ``...
# getting-started
For "reasons" we have in our Gradle build logic
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import org.gradle.api.Action

inline fun <T> action(crossinline block: T.() -> Unit): Action<T> {
   return object : Action<T> {
      override fun execute(t: T) {
But updating Gradle to 7.5 and thus Kotlin to 1.6.10 now gives a compilation error (well warning, but we have
) about wrong nullability:
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w: ...\buildSrc\src\main\kotlin\...\util\SamHelper.kt: (10, 7): Override 'fun execute(t: T): Unit' has incorrect nullability in its signature comparing with overridden 'fun execute(p0: T): Unit'
What is his problem suddenly and how do I mitigate it?
In my IDE there’s a longer error:
Type parameter ‘T’ has nullable upper bound, so override has incorrect signature comparing with a base member with NotNull annotation. Please add a non-nullable upper bound (e.g. Any) to the type parameter. See for more details
Seems like it’s suggesting
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inline fun <T: Any> action(crossinline block: T.() -> Unit): Action<T> {
Hm, thanks. I did not get that message anywhere. But I got the same solution from trial & error & guessing :-)