Hi everyone :man-raising-hand: I have Ktor micros...
# server
Hi everyone 🙋‍♂️ I have Ktor microservices and consuming the APIs in KMM. Which one do you prefer? 1- Microservices communication to each other through HttpClients and return the response to KMM • (What about authentication between services? Shouldn’t it be with the user token? It’s also painful to transfer the token) • BTW I use consul for the service discovery and services are running in the same instance for now :) 2- Make async calls directly to each API and return the response to the clients in KMM Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
I think it is best to have the micro services communicate between each other then return the response to the client. Because you might need to integrate with multiple platforms besides KMM e.g web and you don’t want to be threading a needle on each platform.
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Yeah, otherwise it seems to be more complex
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