Hi all! Is the xcode-kotlin plugin still active? I...
# touchlab-tools
Hi all! Is the xcode-kotlin plugin still active? I'm a little confused how it works.
I'm building a framework and including that in my XCode project. I'm really unsure of how adding the source files separately to xcode will help me to debug
I'm also hesitant to try it out, as we have a highly modularized project, so it seems I would need to add the source files from each individual project
Is the xcode-kotlin plugin still active?
I’m currently using xcode-kotlin in a modularized project. You should be able to right click on the top folder and select ‘add files to <name>’ and select each module folder.
XCode doesn’t do a good job of syncing changes that get created or deleted in IJ, though.
I’m really unsure of how adding the source files separately to xcode will help me to debug
It’s not Kotlin or plugin specific. LLVM builds add absolute path info into the debug build. You need to add the files to Xcode to set breakpoints, but they do nothing else. You want to add them in a way that Xcode doesn’t think they should be bundled, btw
as we have a highly modularized project, so it seems I would need to add the source files from each individual project
You need to add files for which you want to directly add breakpoints. If you “step into” some source, if lldb correctly follows the path, it’ll just open the file. Now, when you say “highly modularized”, are you building all of the Kotlin on your machine, or pulling in pre-build frameworks that are assembled, say, on CI? The debug info for LLVM/DB uses absolute paths, so without some magic, you can’t debug code that was built somewhere else.
Also, the “plugin” is really just connecting to lldb and some source highlighting. It does nothing scary or custom. All of this leverages standard lldb.
building all the kotlin on my machine, into a debug framework that gets added to the xcode project
highly modularized, as in about 30 different kotlin modules get bundled into this framework
Yeah, so you’d need to add whatever Kotlin files you want to set breakpoints in.
“Add” just means add the reference so you can open them in Xcode. I don’t mean add them so they get pulled into the build and output.
but could I add the top level android repository directory?
the example hinted at needing to only add the commonMain / iosMain directories
as in going through and selecting 60 different folders in my case
I would think you could, again provided that you do it in a way that Xcode doesn’t just throw everything in as resources. I tend to add just Kotlin folders to keep finding the code simple, but there’s no reason you couldn’t just add everything.
ok that'd be easier as we often regenerate the project
Yeah, I’d just do that then. I have done that before, but haven’t had 30 modules. Very curious what you’re working on, TBH
I’d recommend adding whole modules (maybe deleting androidMain after), just to avoid having several folders named commonMain/iosMain. That made it difficult to find anything when I tried this.
thanks for the help (and the plugin)! I'll give it a shot and let you know if I see any issues
the high number of modules is an architectural decision - nothing really crazy.. clean architecture with a ui/data/domain split, with a module for interfaces and a module for implementations usually (to speed up build times), and also split across various domain functionality
Ah, OK. Gradle to code ratio must be pretty high 🙂
definitely on the higher side 😄
In our experience for multiplatform, less modules = faster build time. We went the opposite route and merged all modules into a single one.