What does this flag do? -Didea.kotlin.plugin.use....
# k2-adopters
What does this flag do? -Didea.kotlin.plugin.use.k2=true as opposed to the gradle kotlinOptions.useK2 flag
The option in gradle file enables k2 compiler. IDE flag enables K2 IDE plugin.
Note that it's not recommended to use
until official announcement, because we don't have any stability and quality guarantees for K2 IDE yet
will ”build using gradle” be replaced with a new mechanism for ”build using intellij” ? today, for my specific build, ”build using gradle” is faster despite intellij help text hinting the opposite
No, this is two different mechanism with pros and cons. It’s better to use
build using gradle
with gradle.
will the flag I asked about only affect ”build using IntelliJ” and not code analysis etc?
ok, so it might be usable for a gradle user as well?
thanks, I will wait for an official announcement/docs for this flag
Which exact flag do you mean? When you use
the compiler send information to IDE and IDE shows it. It doesn’t matter what build system do you use.
I meant the flag
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It’s a new IDE plugin which is under development. It will be usable for all build systems.