I see that K/N converts nested structs themselves ...
# kotlin-native
I see that K/N converts nested structs themselves into Vals (immutable) for example here:
Copy code
@kotlinx.cinterop.internal.CStruct public final class Camera2D public constructor(rawPtr: kotlinx.cinterop.NativePtr /* = kotlin.native.internal.NativePtr */) : kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar {
    @kotlinx.cinterop.internal.CStruct.VarType @kotlin.Deprecated public companion object : kotlinx.cinterop.CStructVar.Type {

    public final val offset: kaylib.Vector2 /* compiled code */

    public final var rotation: kotlin.Float /* compiled code */

    public final val target: kaylib.Vector2 /* compiled code */

    public final var zoom: kotlin.Float /* compiled code */
offset and target are both vals and I can't simply modify them once alloc'ed, but I can modify their values which are .x and .y which isn't that much of a problem, but it does cause a little bit of dull modifications of .x and .y one by one (and I'm very sure its for a good reason) There is no other way to mitigate this at all by somehow being able to mutate offset or target as one, rather than mutating its members?
I’ve found that when cinterop creates a val, that usually means that the struct didn’t use a pointer to, in your case, Vector2. If the struct declaration didn’t use a pointer, the memory layout of the Vector2 gets embedded in the memory layout of your Camera2D, meaning you can’t ‘set’ the location. Even in C, when you set
camera2D->target = something else
, it’s a shortcut for setting x and y.
You could create an extension
Vector2.set(other: Vector2)
Thanks, I will give that a try and see if that will make it work
Is there any rational “reason” behind this anyway? Why set it to val if it doesn’t use a pointer?
Just would love to learn more about K/N and it’s reasons
Kotlin uses reference types.
Yep using extension made it easier, thank you. This is going to be useful
I’m not 100% sure, but I think there’s a way to set up an operator function so you can use ‘=’ instead of .set
Hmmm I don’t think there is a way to overload the = operator
Yeah, I don’t see an easy way to create a delegate for the properties, so setValue won’t work.
Oh well, this works good enough as it is!