Hi! Is there a way to listen for keyboard inputs ...
# compose
Hi! Is there a way to listen for keyboard inputs when the keyboard has started the process of hiding? (Not when it's already hidden, it takes a bit of time) Or even better: Is there any way to intercept back handler when the keyboard is open? I see similar questions on SO have been asked but I don't see any answer 😅
The only solution is:
but this looks ugly in UX since the keyboard takes around 300ms to be hidden or more and I want functions to run immediately after pressing back wether the keyboard is up or not
There are callbacks for when the animation starts and finishes, but afaik the Compose insets APIs don’t currently expose hooks for them
Unless @George Mount added that recently that i’m not aware of
The insets are animated. You can do WindowInsets.ime == 0
Didn't see that one @efemoney but I don't think it works because seems to represent the space in pixels and that goes in hand with the animation since I only know if it's visible when it has reached the maximum space or hidden because it's 0. Moreover, I don't know the direction of the keyboard if it's going to close or hide, anyways appreciate it
I wrote a function to workaround not having an exposed end-of-anim callback and improve this UX a little essentially it is a suspending function which runs a loop with a timeout. so it: • fires a function requesting keyboard hide • while ime.getBottom > 0, keep looping with a delay of 1ms • if we surpass 300ms, break out of the loop • finally, fires a lambda callback the function certainly feels hacky but the UX is surprisingly good and it works as expected on each device I tested it on, including my Fold which sometimes has strange quirks it’s interesting Zach mentions there are private/internal callbacks for these animations, I wonder if anyone has filed a feature request to expose them publicly
I should clarify: when I say “works as expected” on each device I mean, it never even hits my 300ms timeout, because the ime.getBottom call returns 0 before that
• fires a function requesting keyboard hide
• while ime.getBottom > 0, keep looping with a delay of 1ms
• if we surpass 300ms, break out of the loop
• finally, fires a lambda callback
But that's for listening to the end of an animation, I'd like to know when it starts the animation for cases that I can't control like: • The Keyboard is up, the user presses back and the keyboard starts hiding For cases where I request the
I can manage it by myself since I already run the function along the
Not sure if your workaround is the solution I'm looking for
Two new APIs that should useful here were introduced in `1.4.0-alpha1`: WindowInsets.imeAnimationSource and WindowInsets.imeAnimationTarget
@robercoding I just realized I misread and instead (if youre on 1.4 alpha) you probably need WindowInsets.imeAnimationTarget != WindowInsets.imeAnimationSource to signify that the animation is started.
Omg it works super nice! thanks a lot everyone!! 🫶