hi :wave: I’m looking at the Compose sample and I ...
# compose-web
hi 👋 I’m looking at the Compose sample and I can see in the ‘web-landing’ sample all of the styles and classes are prefixed with ‘Wt’ https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/blob/v1.2.2/examples/web-landing/src/jsMain/kotlin/com/sample/style/WtCard.kt what does ‘Wt’ mean?
👀 1
Afaik, it’s just a prefix according to some naming convention for all landing pages in JB.
"Web Tutorial" maybe?
I skimmed the code and don't have any other guesses 🙂
ahh Web Tutorial - thanks I don’t care if it is correct or not, my mind just needs something to fill in the acronym or I get confused!