Does kotlin 1.8.0 strip in the bytecode parameter ...
# build-tools
Does kotlin 1.8.0 strip in the bytecode parameter names in public functions? When IDE decompiles artifact built with Kotlin 1.8.0 I see
Copy code
 Object createConversation(int var1, @NotNull String var2, @Nullable String var3, boolean var4, @Nullable String var5, @NotNull Continuation<? super CreateConversationResult> var6);

 Object retrySdkSessionInit(@NotNull Continuation<? super Unit> var1);
Or could it be R8? (this is an Android library).
e has always been disabled by default as far as I know
oke, I have to understand first what IDE shows me and why compiler fails also. Is it because of the metadata or something else.
I don't think Kotlin metadata is used by the bytecode decompiler
for compiling you do need to make sure the producer hasn't stripped out Kotlin metadata, Kotlin doesn't make use of Java parameter names