Hey! Curious if there's any way to do SSR with a K...
# javascript
Hey! Curious if there's any way to do SSR with a Kotlin/JVM backend and Kotlin/JS right now? I'm guessing there isn't because all the libraries I've found only seem to do CSR, which won't work for my use case (dynamic site, needs SEO). Otherwise, I guess the best solution is to use a meta-framework like Next/Sveltekit and share models via Kotlin/JS?
I'm working on https://github.com/varabyte/kobweb which is built on top of Compose for Web and inspired by Next. And I haven't used it but https://github.com/kwebio/kweb-core is SSR I believe.
Sveltekit and generating typescript from kotlinx.serialization metadata is something I’m working on. that way you don’t need kotlin/js and have a fast build and a small js bundle.