What’s the idiomatic way in Kotlin to handle event...
# getting-started
What’s the idiomatic way in Kotlin to handle events in non-UI code? In JS you declare an EventTarget, in Swift you use the delegate pattern. What could I use in Kotlin to be notified when a specific event occurs in a class instance? In Jetpack Compose, they have a simple
parameter for the
class. My feeling here is there is no idiomatic way to handle events, am I wrong?
An object that emits events could expose a Flow, which observers could collect: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/flow.html There is #flow for this topic fyi
What if you emit an event without any data ? 🤔
Unit typed LiveData/Flow can be used for such things
I'm using Flow for this, MutableSharedFlow to be precise. And it's working good. And with Koin inject, it's pretty awesome.
K 2
So in my API I could create something like
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interface SomeInterface {
    val onSomeEvent: Flow<Unit>
And subscribe to it with collect?
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val someInstance: SomeInterface
someInstance.onSomeEvent.collect { println("Event received!") }
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sealed class AppEvent() {
    object EventWithoutData: AppEvent()
    data class EventWithData(val name: String) : AppEvent()
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eventFlow = MutableSharedFlow<AppEvent>()
Perfect, thank you all! 🙂