A quick question regarding Tiles Material, how can...
# compose-wear
A quick question regarding Tiles Material, how can I build a Data centric Tile with Tiles Material such as the fitbit heart rate tile on Pixel Watch. Is there a Layout in Tiles Material for the Data centric Tile to create graph dynamically?


What do you mean by data centric? Do you mean with a graph? If so then those are done with images as far as I know
Right, I mean the graph. I see, it is an image. Initially, i thought it would be impossible to draw all the lines via Builder.
@yschimke @John Nichol Can you elaborate on the horologist feature regarding “sharing Compose Canvas code with the app and tile”, does that mean when I draw graphics on the Compose Canvas, I can also render that Compose Canvas inside the Tile Materials? I am thinking of generating Image dynamically from an AndroidView composable and reload that Image inside TileServices, would that be possible
@Ataul Munim covers this in this ADS talk


If you find a Charting library for compose, if it doesn't strictly need a Canvas composable, but just draws to a DrawScope then you should be able to use them.
Thanks so much, you saved my day 🙂 It is fantastic.
Try it first 🙂 , any issues you find I can look into next week.
Sure 🙂 I can see a path and have a plan now.
wow, I surely can learn a lot from this code.
Maybe some bad things also. I'd love to see this applied to one of the compose charting libraries, but I never got that far.
But you can use Previews in Android Studio so you see what the Chart or in the Tile will look like.
I will play with the code. I think there shall be some simple compose chart lib draw on the compose canvas.
@yschimke I worked through the
of your horologist fitness3 branch , the Preview doesn’t show for
, does that works? I can see the TilePreview from
just want to ask before I start to change things.
It should. I can update that branch and test it again. But we used this functionality in the ADS talk, so definitely working.
I have merged horologist main into your branch, probably I changed something with the merge, thanks.
Sorry for the confusion, it works. There is a new
Source code Editor With Preview tab
on the bottom of the
file, I need to tap open that. Now i see the previews of your tiles. I am all good now.
@yschimke I made some progress to render graphics dynamically from a modified chart lib. The Preview is really slow in AS Electric Eel. But my sample TileRenderer works in Preview with dynamic graph https://github.com/yingding/horologist/commit/85db9141cb17475b200fdb6e97d9463fc5a82984 Would love to hear your thoughts on this next week.
@Yingding Wang is there a maven central charting lib you can use instead of jitpack?
@Ataul Munim The YCharts from maven central might also work https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/co.yml/ycharts There are some
function defined, please find an example here. https://github.com/yml-org/YCharts/blob/main/YChartsLib/src/main/java/co/yml/charts/ui/barchart/BarChart.kt In terms of the Charty lib, i have opened an issue ticket at https://github.com/hi-manshu/Charty/pull/62, Himanshu is an Android GDE, he is very supportive to the idea of rewriting the DrawScope function and to put them in a module https://github.com/hi-manshu
Would you also like to put a comment on https://github.com/hi-manshu/Charty/pull/62 ? The charty lib is more lightweighted than YCharts IMO, which might work better for Tiles.
I haven’t deployed my charty clone to the maven central but only at jitpack for testing, since i would rather work with the original creator of charty: Himanshu together, instead of rewriting his repo.