Hello, I'm a 22-year-old Korean student. Yesterda...
# multiplatform
Hello, I'm a 22-year-old Korean student. Yesterday, I submitted KotlinConf23 Contest, so I will introduce my project called TRANSER! TRANSER is a translation utility for Mac, Windows, and Android platforms developed based on Kotlin Multiplatform. I created this project to solve the inconvenience of using a translator when people like me read other language documents and see words or sentences that they don't know. I think the Kotlin Multiplatform is more powerful than other cross-platforms when requiring native platform features, so I focused on shared logic but also the features of each native platform. (It's supports a dark/light theme too!) Currently, safe platforms are mac and android. It supports windows, but It has some problems. Mostly feature works fine. And, I wrote windows doesn't support shortcuts on readme MD, but that's my mistake. The shortcut is Ctrl + Space. The quality may be low because I started last week and submitted it this week, but Please enjoy it! 😄 https://github.com/kisa002/Transer
👏🏻 2
K 8
👏🏼 2
👏 10
Wow, that’s a ton of work in only one week! You did a really nice job 😮
Great job, good luck in the contest
Thank you everyone!