hello channel I am working on a Kotlin + Spring ap...
# spring
hello channel I am working on a Kotlin + Spring application, and wondering if this is possible or not: there is a properties configuration:
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data class SomeProperties(
    val foo: Long,
    val bar: String,
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application.custom.properties.bar=Text Here
ok, so I have another class, just a POJO, and need to get the values from that configuration properties bean
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data class ObjectBuilder(
    var fooValue: Long = SomeProperties.foo,
    var barValue: String = SomeProperties.bar,
is there a way of getting the SomeProperties values on a non spring context?
Something like this should work:
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@Bean(name = ["objectBean"])
  fun objectBean(): ObjectBuilder =
		fooValue = SomeProperties.foo,
		barValue = SomeProperties.bar
Then just inject
wherever you need it
lets try another scenario:
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data class EntityA(
  var entityB: EntityB

data class EntityB(
  var foo: Long = SomeProperties.foo
I want to use the
as the default value for EntityA.entityB.foo
Well, @Entity does not create a Bean (AFAIK), so you'd have to add @Component to the @Entity and then inject
. Try something like:
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data class EntityB(
  @Transient private val objectBean: ObjectBuilder,
  var foo: Long = objectBean.fooValue
Obviously I have not tested this so I am not sure it will actually inject properly
I would use simple factories
like how? 🤔
I am using @PostConstruct to store the instance from the bean on a static context:
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fun initialize() {
    instance = this
And then I can access this instance from a non-spring context but I am not completely happy with this approach 😆
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class EntityBFactory(val config: SomeProperties) {
   fun create(): EntityB = ...
@Tiago’s approach will work well too. I just have a personal preference against doing the necessary initialization in @PostConstruct. Not that it is wrong or would fail - it will work. Just seems untidy to my eyes 🙂
yeah, I don’t like it either 😕