Having developed a trading platform in Kotlin, I w...
# feed
Having developed a trading platform in Kotlin, I was interested what ChatGPT would come up when asking for a trading strategy in Kotlin. This is the result:
Copy code
class SimpleMovingAverageStrategy {
    private val period = 14
    private val sma = SimpleMovingAverage()

    fun calculateSignal(prices: List<Double>): String {
        val currentSMA = sma.getMean()

        return if (prices.last() > currentSMA) {
        } else {
🙂 1
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you were right about one thing, master. the [strategy] was [simple]
Indeed, it generated a very simple example. But to its credit, I wasn’t able to find this code with a google search. So at least it is generated and not cut&paste (or I couldn’t find it).