Hi team, Does anyone know what causes an error if...
# multiplatform
Hi team, Does anyone know what causes an error if I try to build iOS: *Task
> Task :shared:compileKotlinIosSimulatorArm64 UP-TO-DATE
./gradlew :shared:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode
Copy code
/Users/.../iosApp/ld:1:1: object file (/var/folders/yt/4pjlxzfn48n28yxvdsnrw6n40000gn/T/included3352453535999755831/libparticles.a(libparticles.SkParticleBinding.o)) was built for newer iOS Simulator version (15.2) than being linked (9.0)
I'm using the "Regular framework" approach. The
builds with ease. Thanks for any helpful tip! I searched all projects, but I cannot find why the error / warning says 9.0. Gist Full stacktrace: https://gist.github.com/tscholze/6d67bc21a2b8e1bdc575e6b80ca8af2b***
Hi Tobias! This message is just a warning and should not fail the build. And the strange thing is that I don’t see any actual errors from linker in your gist. Are you sure that is the full output?
@a-dd thanks for your reply! I copied now all from AS‘ output into a new gist: https://gist.github.com/tscholze/09845def40fe40ab961f2ceaf25081d8
Never mind, I will start over again. I have to learn slot 🙈