Hey Community! I write a little Kotlin/JS applicat...
# javascript
Hey Community! I write a little Kotlin/JS application with a login. At the moment i hold the auth token in the cache and after a browser reload the user has to be to login again. Now i'm struggling a little bit to fix that. Can someone give me a tip, what is a good solution to hold the token at a browser reload?
Maybe not the best but one solution is to use the localStorage (https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/kotlinx.browser/local-storage.html).
Yes. Using local storage is the popular solution.
Great, thank you very much!
👍🏾 1
It's even an official recommendation from the Firebase docs: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/email-link-auth#security_concerns
Thank you David!
👍 1