Can anyone recommend a tool for dependency managem...
# android-studio
Can anyone recommend a tool for dependency management? AS doesn't seem to be able to handle dependencies that are defined as variables and the ben-manes plugin is taking over 40 minutes to produce a report
40 mins is huge on average unless you have an equally huge multiproject build with lots & lots of dependencies.
If thats not the case then you would need optimize your repositories /
task configuration. For the repositories, add content filtering (so that the build spends the less time trying to resolve dependencies from the wrong repos) and for the dependencyUpdates task, add component filtering via
Yeah, I've added some content filtering to my repos. I think part of the problem is that repos are behind a VPN connection. We updated to gradle plugin 7.3.0 and compilesdk to 33 and now things are much slower
Yeah we have our internal artifactory behind a VPN too and our sync times used to be very long. I added filtering (especially
) and played with the order of repositories
version catalogs + renovate is nice
I assume that the exlusiveContent is similar to
Copy code
maven {
content { includeGroupByRegex("*") }
Yeah its like
but with the added capability that it blocks other repositories with the same filter with the effect that only the repository which has exclusiveContent setup will be able to serve modules that match the filter. We have this for instance:
Its a segue from your initial question however, you can also consider what @Javier suggested, renovate is great.
What is renovate?
version catalogs + renovate is nice
agreed i moved dependencyUpdates to renovate too