Hey folks, Kotlin has a `coerceAtLeast` function w...
# android
Hey folks, Kotlin has a
function which is defined as:
fun <T : Comparable<T>> T.coerceAtLeast(minimumValue: T): T
So any type that is comparable can invoke this function, for example this works:
. I’ve created a similar function:
Copy code
fun interface Foo<in T> {
  fun foo()

fun <T : Foo<T>> T.bar() {}
but when I call it like this:
Copy code
val test = Foo<Int> {}
it doesn’t work. It fails to compile with error:
Copy code
Unresolved reference. None of the following candidates is applicable because of receiver type mismatch: public fun <T : Foo<TypeVariable(T)>> TypeVariable(T).bar(): Unit defined in root package in file File.kt
why is that? I don’t see any difference between this and
. I can define more extensions on
type and they work fine but my custom type doesn’t. It works only if I change:
fun <T : Foo<T>> T.bar() {}
fun <T> Foo<T>.bar() {}
but these don’t have the exact same meaning and I still don’t get why the first one doesn’t work in the first place
its not the same
fun <A, B : Foo<A>> B.bar() { }
would be the same to your
fun <A> Foo<A>.bar() { }
But you are using T twice, as the generic parameter of Foo and as a super type of Foo. Which doesnt make sense typically
it does make sense and it’s typically used with comparable for example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8537500/java-the-meaning-of-t-extends-comparablet
@mzgreen it means comparable instances must be comparable of themselves.
doesn't implement your
interface, so it's never possible for it to be
of itself.
ahh yeah that’s right @CLOVIS, makes sense now, thanks!
just to close the topic, as Ivan explained, this works:
Copy code
class Test: Foo<Test> {
    override fun foo() {}

fun main() {
    val test = Test()
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Multiple people have wanted to add this pattern of "extension interfaces", if you're curious here's a bit of reading: • Approach inspired by Haskell, proposed by the Arrow team : KEEP-87 | Discussion. For various reasons (in the discussion), it will not be added to Kotlin, but it's still very interesting to read. • The most likely solution to be implemented is KEEP-259 | Discussion. It's not exactly the same, but they took into consideration the KEEP-87 ideas and the solution seems very good to me. From what I've read, the Arrow team is happy with it too.
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It's out-dated though, typeclasses won't be added to Kotlin.
Yeah but it explains what the original keep 87 was about in simple words