My GraphQL server has a scalar type which converts...
# apollo-kotlin
My GraphQL server has a scalar type which converts to a list (ugh!). If I try to create a custom type mapping to
I get an invalid character on
. Is there a way to have my custom type mapping be a list? If not, I'll create a wrapper type.
Apollo Kotlin doesn't support generic types for custom scalars but you can use a wrapper type
I'm hoping to revamp the custom scalar mapping with 4.0
Amazing, thanks
Sure thing!
It's still a very rough idea but I'd love to have something like this:
Copy code
@GraphQLAdapter(for = "Long")
class LongAdapter: Adapter<Long> {
  override fun fromJson(...): Long {

  override fun toJson(...) {
    // ...
This way all the custom scalar would be known at compile time