Newbie (ish) question .... How do I do what the co...
# getting-started
Newbie (ish) question .... How do I do what the comment in that asks (or something similar) ? Updated link:
maybeMunge is obviously contrived. But I am looking for a way to pass a closure to a mapNotNull()
I tried to do something like.. fun User.maybeMunge(x : String): () -> Pair<String,Int>? { but couldn't figure out how to pass that to
p Is this what you’re looking for?
I was trying to do something like this ... which I know won't work....
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data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun User.maybeMunge(x: String): () -> Pair<String, Int>? {
    return { it ->
         if ( == "Ed") null else Pair(x +, it.age)

fun main() {
    val users = listOf(User("Ed", 2), User("Sally", 20))


data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun User.maybeMunge(x: String): () -> Pair<String, Int>? {
    return { 
         if ( == "Ed") null else Pair(x +, this.age)

fun main() {
    val users = listOf(User("Ed", 2), User("Sally", 20))
it doesn't have to be a class method I guess.
basically I have a sequence/list of T and want to provide a closure to mapNotNull for mapping them.
the closure is important because I need to use the variable passed to the closure in the function being called during mapNotNull. I was looking for a way to do that with :: for whatever reason. Maybe that's where I am hung up.
and the way I am doing it is fine w/o a closure.
It seems like you’re trying to get currying/partial application to work, which does get a bit awkward (and/or impossible). Easiest thing to do is, yeah, just embrace the lambdas and not worry about the syntax too much
I am extending the class with the method because the actual implementation of the mapNotNull is tied very much to that class.
Sure, nothing wrong with using an extension method and calling that in the
. It seems like you’re trying to avoid the “explicit” open lambda body in your
. AFAIK, the only way to do that is with some kind of function literal like I have in my example
You can infer the type on the “partial” if you make your lambda types explicit:
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val users = listOf(User("Ed", 2), User("Sally", 20))
    val xed = { it: User -> it.maybeMunge("x") }
Or you can use a
fun interface
if you want to make the name after the double-colon something other than `invoke`:
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fun interface UserMunger {
    fun munge(user: User): Pair<String, Int>?

fun main() {
    val users = listOf(User("Ed", 2), User("Sally", 20))
    val yed = UserMunger { it.maybeMunge("y") }
yeah, at that point I may as well just call
users.mapNotNull { it.maybeMunge("x") }
Really I guess I am trying to do this:
Copy code
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

fun maybeMunge(x: String): (User) -> Pair<String, Int>? {
    return { it ->
         if ( == "Ed") null else Pair(x +, it.age)

fun main() {
    val users = listOf(User("Ed", 2), User("Sally", 20))
    val mm = maybeMunge("x")
which works
not sure why I got so hung up on the extension way