Hi, I was playing around with custom scripting def...
# scripting
Hi, I was playing around with custom scripting definitions and I found the
. I though I could use this to do some custom action based on the result of the script. This works when using the following function from within a simple main:
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fun File.evaluate(args: List<String>): ResultWithDiagnostics<EvaluationResult> {
  return BasicJvmScriptingHost().evalWithTemplate<CustomScript>(this.toScriptSource()) {
Unfortunately, it fails when trying to use the script definition for standalone scripting like this:
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kotlinc -cp kt-custom-scripting-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -script example.custom.kts
I can see, that the script itself gets executed, but afterwards there is a
, due to different class loaders. I can also verify that, using this scriptExecutionWrapper:
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scriptExecutionWrapper<Any> { script ->
    val executionClassLoader = script::class.java.classLoader

    println("executionClassLoader: $executionClassLoader")

    val scriptInstance = script()

    val scriptInstanceClassLoader = scriptInstance::class.java.classLoader

    println("scriptInstanceClassLoader: $scriptInstanceClassLoader")

    scriptInstance as CustomScript // this fails due to different ClassLoader

    // some action, that I want to do

Here is the output, whey trying to run this:
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executionClassLoader: java.net.URLClassLoader@3e08ff24
Hello from custom script!
scriptInstanceClassLoader: org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.impl.CompiledScriptClassLoader@75af9a18
error: class Example_custom cannot be cast to class com.molikuner.custom.scripting.CustomScript (Example_custom is in unnamed module of loader org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.impl.CompiledScriptClassLoader @75af9a18; com.molikuner.custom.scripting.CustomScript is in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @3a50b75c) (example.custom.kts): java.lang.ClassCastException: class Example_custom cannot be cast to class com.molikuner.custom.scripting.CustomScript (Example_custom is in unnamed module of loader org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.impl.CompiledScriptClassLoader @75af9a18; com.molikuner.custom.scripting.CustomScript is in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @3a50b75c)
The script itself contains this:
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someProperty = "foo"
println("Hello from custom script!")
Is there any way to work around this or is there an other way to run a custom action after the script was executed including having access to the data of the script?
Hi. This wasn't designed as a generic feature, but rather as a solution for some repl-specific requests. So it is not implemented in the evaluator embedded into the
. Please, file an issue to our YT, and we'll try to consider support for it eventually.
Hi, thanks for the response. I've created https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-56144 Please update/add info as needed.
🙏 1