One last try, I've googled until I'm blue in the f...
# serialization
One last try, I've googled until I'm blue in the face. Given this class:
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data class ResponseEntity<T>(
    val statusCode: Int,
    val body: T? = null,
    val headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
) {
    companion object {
        fun <T> ok(body: T? = null, headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()) =
            ResponseEntity<T>(200, body, headers)
I absolutely, definitely need the
for T (if it exists, could be null), so that much later in the code, in another class, another method, I can call
Json.encodeToString(entity.serializationStrategy, entity.body)
. I think that I need to add another property to the
class, which stores the
, or better still the
, or the
. But whatever combination of things I try - inline reified functions,
(which doesn't even compile) - I get stuck.
If I explicitly supply the KClass, I can make it work:
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// call site
ResponseEntity.ok(body = SimpleClass("hello from simpleClass"), clazz = SimpleClass::class)

// ResponseEntity class
data class ResponseEntity<T : Any>(
    val statusCode: Int,
    val body: T? = null,
    val headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
    val clazz: KClass<T>? = null
) {
    companion object {
        fun <T : Any> ok(body: T? = null, headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(), clazz: KClass<T>? = null) =
            ResponseEntity<T>(200, body, headers, clazz)


// eventually do the serialization in another class & method:
val kSerializer = responseEntity.clazz?.serializer()
        val body: String = when (mimeType) {
            MimeType.json -> {
                kSerializer?.let {
                    Json.encodeToString(kSerializer,responseEntity.body as T)
                } ?: "no-serializer"
//... etc
This is working. But it does require the user to to provide that
value, which I had hoped to avoid.
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data class ResponseEntity<T : Any>(
    val statusCode: Int,
    val body: T? = null,
    val headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
) {
    var clazz: KClass<T>? = null
    companion object {
        inline fun <reified T : Any> ok(body: T? = null, headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap()): ResponseEntity<T> {
            val tt = T::class
            return ResponseEntity<T>(200, body, headers).apply { clazz = tt }
you could also make a fake inline constructor
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inline fun <reified T : Any> ResponseEntity(
  statusCode: Int,
  body: T? = null,
  headers: Map<String, String> = emptyMap(),
) = ResponseEntity(statusCode, body, headers, T::class)
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class Foo<T>(...)
creates a
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Foo.serializer(tSerializer: KSerializer<T>): KSerializer<Foo<T>>
function on the companion
this works with custom serializers too, e.g.
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class ResponseEntitySerializer<T>(
    private val tSerializer: KSerializer<T>
) : KSerializer<ResponseEntity<T>> {
@Serializable(with = ResponseEntitySerializer::class)
class ResponseEntity<T>(...)
has a
just like the non-custom case
IMO you should not be using
for this purpose (type erasure) and you should not be carrying a serializer per instance either (that doesn't make much sense). instead, there should be some real call site that knows the real type that it is expecting
I'm now struggling with sealed classes with generics... but I think I might just handle those manually. Serialization is hard!
Finally got it working. Note to self - get the KType, it's better then the KClass. My json is a bit corrupted, I think I've double-escaped it, but that's a problem for another day. I'm off to bed. I've got a flight at 6am!