Hey folks! I am working on compose project for my ...
# compose
Hey folks! I am working on compose project for my organization, so I want to know is it good idea to make a library for icons and for design system is it good idea for make separate module for it(button, chip, checkbox, etc.). And I want to convert my project in modules please suggest some resources. So I can copy that module for next product.
Material modules under compose are a pretty good start
I'm using Material as a default by overriding defaults. But give some context for multi module for desinSystem
We have
module just for compose related stuff, i.e. overridden composables, colors, animations, custom composables etc.
I really like having material dependencies in a separate module, so my features just see "MyButton" instead of all the button variants that exist in material. Might require more work up-front, but I think it more than makes up for it by allowing you to tweak your entire apps design in one place.
got it guys